25 Oct.
Posted by softiworldmakers | 0 comments


Answer all the questions                                                                                           
              1.In a process description _________ voice should be used.
a) passive               b) active           c) impersonal passive   d) personal passive
             2. The  _________ of the contagion is the lack of proper sanitary conditions.
a) aim                    b) effect                       c) function                   d) view
            3.  Whatever be _________ ,the task of writing instructions cannot be underestimated.
a)  with a view                   b) so that          c) the purpose              d) so as to
4          4.    _________ is an expression of purpose and function.
a)  because             b) cause                       c) ought             d)  so as to
            5. A paragraph, which is a short essay in itself ______ be given a suitable title.
a) should               b) should’nt                c) ought                        d) dare
             6. _________, is an expression of  discourse marker showing attitude.
a)For example                    b)Honestly                  c) similarly                    d) therefore
             7.Choose the appropriate imperative form of “The project work should be completed”.
a)  May complete the project on time                     b) Must complete the project
c) Complete the project on time                             d) Might complete the project on time

            8. Find out the proper linker:  _________   his insinuation, She could not receive him on time.
a) But                     b) Although                 c) So                            d) In spite of
            9. An impersonal passive voice is a type of sentence, in which the   _________is not mentioned.
a)agent                   b) adjective                 c) verb             d) action
           10.Identify the type of condition of the sentence:    “If  I were a king , I would rule fairly
 a)open      b) improbable              c) zero             d) probable

Answer the following in one or two sentences
11. What is a Zero conditional sentence. Give an example.
12.  What is sequencing of sentences?
13.  Begin the following sentences with the word  ‘purpose’:
a) Pure water is used to prevent the formation of deposits.
b) The test is made to calculate the total temperature rise.      
14.  What is the need of a topic sentence in paragraph writing?  
15.  What are the different types of specific functions ‘Discourse Markers’ indicate  ?
Answer any three questions.
16. Write a letter to the CEO of IMB Group of Textile Industries, seeking permission for one-month in-
      plant training  in latest power loom technology. Assume the necessary  details.
 17.  Write a set of ten instructions for the proper maintenance of your new automatic washing machine.   

18.   Choose the following jumbled sentences and rearrange them in the right sequential order:
  • On the slopes great slopes of trees were blown away from the mountains and tossed up in heaps.
  • However beneath the tranquil sylvan paradise ,molten magma was slowly rising to the surface of the earth, eventually  forming a mushroom-shaped lava dome that exploded with the force of ten million tons of TNT at 8.30a.m,throwing into upheaval.
  • Fires burnt everywhere.
  • A centuary of volcanic inactivity has made Washingtonians  complacement.
  • In the aftermath, what had been pristine beauty only hours before lay in total devastation.
  • Billowing hot molten rock avalanches swept down the flanks of the mountain ,mowing down everything in their paths.
  • A hot plume of ash  and debris  rose 65,000 feet  into the sky, turning day into night.
  • Spirit Lake boiled , and rives turned black.              

19.   Write a argumentative paragraph on the concept of ‘usage of plastic’ in India for about 200 words.

20.  Describe the process of undergoing an ex- ray treatment.