25 Oct.
Posted by softiworldmakers | 0 comments


Answer all the questions                                                                                                 

            1.       State the sentence expressing purpose:
The test is made ____________ calculating the total temperature rise.
a) so as to        b) for the purpose of   c) in order to   d) with a view to

2.       The first sentence which expresses the theme of the paragraph is called ____________ sentence.
a)      thematic    b) topic     c) introductory     d) beginning.

3 .Fill  the  blank using the cause and effect expression:
            _______________ the construction of big dams, thousands of family have to be evacuated.
a)       Due to      b) owing to      c) As a result of           d) because of

     4. Identify the right conditionals :
 If I had gone to Delhi,___________
            a) I would have seen the lotus temple.
            b) I would see the lotus temple.
            c) I will see the lotus temple.
            d) I will have seen the lotus temple.

   5. Choose the right imperative form:
             The water is allowed to cool
            a) cool the water.
            b) the water should be cooled.
            c) allow the water to cool.
            d) the water is cooled.

   6. The structure of an imperative sentence is __________
            a) subject + verb +complement
            b) object +verb +adjunct
            c) verb+ object+ adjunct
            d) adjunct + subject+ verb.

  7.  The inplant training letter contains ____________ features
            a) 3      b) 4      c) 5      d) 6.

   8. _________________ conditionals are used to speculate about the impossible condition that will never  happen.
             a) imaginary  b) closed   c) zero  d) open .

     9. Modify the sentence in reported speech :
            He said, “ I am unwell”.
a)      He said that he was unwell.
b)      He said that he is unwell
c)      He said that he had been unwell
d)     He said that he have been unwell.
    10. E-mail is a  powerful  ___________ in the hands  of knowledgeable  job seeker
            a) tool              b) letter            c) message       d) concept .                          

Answer the following in one or two sentences
11. What makes a good paragraph?
12. Write any five sequential words used in process description?
13 .Mention the importance of implant training letter?
14. What is an E-Mail? Mention its importance ?
15. State imperatives and bring out its types.
Answer any three questions.
      1.Describe the process of booking online railway ticket.
      2.Write an in plant training letter to Asst Manager, Piyoda Technologies Ltd,  11/55,Arumbakkam,Chennai – 66,   requesting permission to undergo practical training for the period of 15 days . Assume  and provide all the necessary details.
      3. Write a persuasive paragraph on the role of soft skills and its importance.
      4.Write eight instructions on dining etiquette.
      5.Rewrite the jumbled sentences in right order:
3. The extraction of petroleum is the process by which usable petroleum is extracted and removed from the earth.
7. Geologists use seismic surveys to search for geological structures that may form oil reservoirs.
2. The "classic" method includes making an underground explosion nearby and observing the seismic response that provides information about the geological structures under the ground.
8. However, "passive" methods that extract information from naturally-occurring seismic waves are also known.
10. Other instruments such as gravimeters and magnetometers are also sometimes used in the search for petroleum.
5. Extracting crude oil normally starts with drilling wells into the underground reservoir.
1. When an oil well has been tapped, a geologist (known on the rig as the "mud logger") will note its presence. Such a "mudlogger" is known to be sitting on the rig.
4. Historically, in the USA, some oil fields existed where the oil rose naturally to the surface, but most of these fields have long since been used up, except in certain places in Alaska.
6. Often many wells are drilled into the same reservoir, to ensure that the extraction rate will be economically viable.
9. Also, some wells  may be used to pump water, steam, acids or various gas mixtures into the reservoir to raise or maintain the reservoir pressure, and so maintain an economic extraction rate.