25 Oct.
Posted by softiworldmakers | 0 comments


1.Find the appropriate causal expression: Training is given to them______they update their knowledge.
a)so as to b) for c) so that d) in order to
2.Using capital letters throughout  in an E-mail indicates_______
a) Emphasis b) Empathy c) Shyness d) Shouting
3.We use the following modal in passive imperative.
a) should b) could c) would d) must
4.Identify the function of the underlined word:
This test is given with a view to examine your knowledge
a) Purpose & Function b)  Infinitive c) Nominal compound d) Cause & Effect
5.Choose the correct spelling.
a) Business b)Buisness c) Bisness d) Buissness
6.He ____________ to you, if you advised
a)will listen b)will have listened c) would have listened d) would listen
7.Identify the correct voice used in process description:
a) Imperative Passive b)Instructive passive c) Impersonal passive d) Active imperative.
8.The first conditional clause is also called as________
a) Open / Real b) Improbable c) Impossible d) Imaginary
9.While changing a sentence from Direct to Indirect , present perfect is changed into __________
a) Present perfect continuous b) Present perfect c) Past perfect d) Past  perfect continuous
10.An apostrophe is used to indicate_______
a) ending b) continuation c) pause d) possessiveness.

Answer the following in one or two sentences
11. Complete the following sentences suitably:

  • If there had been no rains last month __________________
  • If there were no politicians to tempt people ______________. 

12.Give any four cause and effect expressions with examples.
13.Mention the different types of paragraphs.
14.Give the passive form: Wear helmet while riding a two-wheeler.
15.Change the following sentences into indirect speech.  
Frame own sentences using the given discourse markers :1) As far as, 2) Nevertheless

Answer any three questions.
1.Write a set of eight instructions that will help the public save petrol.
2.Describe the process of formatting  a hard disk drive.
3.Write a paragraph of about 200 words comparing the life in a village with that in a city
4.Write a letter to a reputed company seeking permission for practical training. Mention your area of interest and duration of the training.
5.Rearrange the Jumbled sentences in proper order.

  • This sounds good, but is it practical in reality? 
  • If we remove one species from this complex web of interrelationships, we have little idea of the repercussions on the ecosystem in general. 
  • As another solution, We should plant more trees.
  • About 50,000 animal and plant species are becoming extinct every year.
  • The latest buzz word in the continuing debate about the environment is 'sustainable management' - that means using plants and animals for our own benefit, but ensuring that enough are left alive to guarantee the survival of the species. 
  • And there is no doubt that they have a devastating effect on animal and plant life on Earth. 
  • One solution could be to insist that wood comes from sustainably managed forests.
  • In spite of years of scientific research, no-one really knows how much damage human beings are doing to their environment. 
  • All species depend in some way on one another for survival. 
  • Also we know that we are responsible for many problems ranging from global warming to ozone depletion.