24 Oct.
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1. Careful study on this topic alone help you in examination.
2. Understand concept prior to your conclusions.
3. Find out whether faculty concerned is available today.
4. This can be granted only by Principal.
5. Frequently, you come hour late to my classes. May I know reason for it?
6. Bring cell phone you were using while I was delivering my lecture.
7. We have to organize one day work shop/conference/seminar on temporary structures.
8. Can you speak on nuances of robotic and automation.
9. euro is equivalent to Rs.67.47/- today.
10. Make genuine attempt in examinations.
11. Suggest unique resource person to handle this session.
12. I am planning to pursue MS at Carneige Mellon University.
13. Every lecture is building block, if you keep missing these blocks your building may crumble down soon.
14. Everyone has to submit assignment on installation of LINUX. Assignment you are submitting shortly has to exhibit all essential procedures of LINUX installation.
15. Civil engineering takes place on levels: in public sector from municipal through to national governments , and in private sector from individual homeowners through to international companies.
16 . Engineering has been aspect of life since beginnings of human existence. Earliest practices of Civil engineering may have commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.(Ancient Iraq)when humans started to abandon nomadic existence, thus causing need for construction of shelter.